4  Yoga Positions to Relieve Back Pain and Keep You Loose - Your Back Pain Relief

4 Yoga Positions to Relieve Back Pain

Yoga is an effective way to move your body, and relax your mind. It helps to keep your muscles loose and limber. If you’re dealing with back pain, yoga can be the exact wellness solution that your body needs.

Whether you have a hard manual job that involves constant movement, or a sedentary lifestyle that includes hours of sitting to complete various tasks, your back suffers the consequences.

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6 Ways To Encourage Physical Fitness in the Workplace - Your  Back Pain Relief

6 Ways to Encourage Physical Fitness in the Workplace

If you’re the boss or manager of a company, it’s important to make sure that your staff is physically healthy. This can help reduce absenteeism rates, improve employee productivity, and boost overall worker satisfaction.

As a result, employers see fewer medical claims, reduced turnover, and improved customer service. Here are some tips on how to encourage physical fitness in the workplace.

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Lower Back Pain When Running - Your Back Pain Relief

Lower Back Pain When Running And How To Manage It

Are you a passionate runner suffering from lower back pain? You are not the first. Lower back pain is surprisingly common among joggers and runners. If you are unfortunate enough to experience pain anywhere in the back when running, there is help out there for you.
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4 In-Office Practices to Help Prevent Back Pain - YBPR

4 In-Office Practices to Help Prevent Back Pain

Back pain is all too common among office workers. Since your spine gets compressed when you sit, spending too much time seated can lead to lower back pain.

Office workers, who spend hours sitting in front of computer screens, are particularly vulnerable to back pain. If you want to reduce the risk of straining your back at the office, here are a few practices you can follow

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What Is A Lumbar Support Pillow And Can One Help You - Your Back Pain Relief

What Is A Lumbar Support Pillow And Can One Help You?

A lumbar support like an orthopaedic pillow supports the lumbar region of the spine. Lumbar support pillows are easy to use when it comes to preventative back pain and as a practical remedy. As always, if you experience back pain for an extended period of time, you should get in touch with a medical professional.

Before you rush out and buy a orthopaedic cushion, you need to know that there are different types of lumbar support pillows.

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How To Massage Your Own Back? - Your Back Pain Relief

How To Massage Your Own Back

Can I massage my own back? There is no reason why you can't massage your own back. But, just in case you find massaging your own back is difficult, we are going to show you some of the alternatives.
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Back Pain When Breathing - Your Back Pain Relief

Reasons For Back Pain When Breathing

Yes, your back can hurt when you breathe. It may happen for no particular reason at all, but often there are reasons for upper back pain when breathing. The condition is more common than you may think. On this page, we are going to run through the most common reasons for experiencing back pain when you inhale or exhale.
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Lower Back Pain When Bending Over - Your Back Pain Relief

Lower Back Pain When Bending Over

There are back pain conditions that are caused by too much bending over. Sciatica is the most common medical condition experienced by people who bend over a lot. The sciatic nerve is located in the lower spine. You place increased pressure on the sciatic nerve when bending over. Read more here.
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Where Should Lumbar Support Be - Your Back Pain Relief

Where Should Your Lumbar Support Be?

Back pain is often a result of habits we develop over a period of time. Fortunately, there are simple practices you can put into place which can help you to both manage and reduce back pain.

An increasing number of us are working from home. We are trying to do our jobs sitting at kitchen and dining room tables. As you are probably aware, that is not the ideal way of sitting down to work.
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Bad Habits That Ruin Your Posture - Your Back Pain Relief

Bad Habits That Ruin Your Posture

Bad posture habits are often the main reason we suffer from both neck and back pain. Not only can poor posture lead to back problems. Surprisingly, ongoing back problems caused by incorrect posture lead to headaches, sinus issues, and jaw ache.
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How To Keep Fit When Recovering From A Back Injury? - Your Back Pain Relief

How To Keep Fit When Recovering From A Back Injury?

How do you stay fit with a back injury? Back injuries are surprisingly common. We get back injuries for all sorts of reasons. However, one of the main reasons that we suffer from back injuries is because of everyday occurrences such as poor posture.

But, what kind of exercises should you be doing when you have a back injury?
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What Orthopaedic Pillow Is Right For You? - Your Back Pain Relief

What Orthopedic Pillow Is Right For You?

Choosing an orthopaedic pillow is not easy. First of all, you must be sure what pillow is right for you and your health condition. Are you just suffering neck pain or do you have other symptoms?

Orthopaedic pillows come in all shapes and sizes. To benefit from having a pillow, you need to make sure you choose the right one.

A range of health conditions can be improved by nightly use of a memory foam pillow or orthopaedic cushion.
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