Maternity Support Belts And How To Help Back Pain
When you are pregnant, you often need all the support you can get. Maternity support belts help to lower the risk of back pain and other discomfort when pregnant.
Midwives and doctors recommend them. Still, many women don’t wear them which can lead to health conditions such as sciatica during pregnancy.
Let’s take a closer look at how wearing a maternity belt during pregnancy can help you.
Maternity Belts Reduce Discomfort
Most women remain active during their pregnancies. This could mean looking after a home or working late into the pregnancy.
When you want to be active and carry on with regular day-to-day tasks, wearing a maternity belt can help. It helps to reduce the risk of developing back and hip pain.
If you are unfortunate enough to develop back pain, maternity belts can reduce the intensity of the pain.
You are also less likely to develop common conditions associated with pregnancy such as sciatica.
Weight Gain and Pregnancy
Although maternity belts are not directly associated with lower weight gain in pregnancy, there is an indirect link.
A maternity belt helps you to stay more active. When pregnant, participating in activities including walking and cycling is often uncomfortable. If you want to stay active, wearing a belt offers support.
Maternity belts are invaluable if you are experiencing back pain, weight gain, perhaps because of excess amniotic fluid.
Multiple Pregnancy
Are you expecting twins? If you are, the chances are you are having to manage a growing belly which is heavier.
Not only can your stomach area feel uncomfortable. Women expecting twins are also at a higher risk of experiencing leg and back pain.
A belly belt can provide you with the right kind of support you need to manage your pregnancy better.
Lower Back Pain
One of the most common health conditions associated with pregnancy is lower back pain.
Millions of women “just put up” with back pain.
Lower back pain in pregnancy can lead to further back pain problems further down the track.
A belt can help to lower the risk of developing back pain. If you are noticing you are getting back pain, buy a maternity belt as soon as you can. You will quickly notice the difference.
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or Pelvic Girdle Pain
These are two very common conditions in pregnancy. Both can lead to severe pain in the hips and thighs.
Pubis Dysfunction is also associated with pain in the pubic area.
Can the conditions be prevented? It is thought wearing pregnancy support reduces the risk of developing Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and Pelvic Girdle Pain.
Hormonal Changes
Can hormonal changes in pregnancy cause pain?
Many women who are pregnant report unexplained pains in the back which radiates down into the legs.
If you experience this condition, you should visit your doctor or midwife. It can be sciatica but it can also be caused by hormonal changes.
Can wearing a belt help? As almost all pain is caused by pressure or inflammation, it is thought a maternity belt can help provide relief.
Hormonal changes in pregnancy can cause inflammation of tissue. This is what can lead to pain in the legs and lower back. As mentioned, often this condition mimics sciatica.
If sciatica is not diagnosed, the pains are often put down to hormonal changes which occur naturally in pregnancy. The main player is the hormone relaxing.
Sciatica In Pregnancy
Sciatica is one of the most common health conditions pregnant women face.
The four most common symptoms of sciatica include lower back pain and pain in the buttocks and thighs. Numbness and weakness in the lower back and legs are also two symptoms frequently encountered.
The two last symptoms are more severe. If you experience the first two, you must deal with your condition as soon as possible.
Although rest and movement are important, it is also important to wear a support. This helps to reduce stress and pressure on the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerve is located in the lower back. It runs down the buttocks and each leg. That is why you experience pain in the legs.
Hernias Are Common
Women are at risk of developing hernias when pregnant.
If you have a family history of hernias, or suddenly become aware of a bulge, you need to speak to a medical professional. The bulge may feel hot and ache slightly.
One of the best ways to manage hernias which occur during pregnancy is to wear a maternity belt.
Round Ligament Pain
Round ligament pain is caused by spasms in your belly and groin as your uterus continues to expand.
Although not dangerous, it is an uncomfortable condition. It is best avoided.
As we all know prevention is better than cure. Often a belly belt stops the condition from occurring.
After Pregnancy
Should I consider wearing my pregnancy belt once the baby has been born?
Even after pregnancy, your body needs all the support it can get. Many new moms find wearing a belt makes exercising easier.
Experiencing back pain after pregnancy is not unusual. Your body has gone through a major change. Hormonal and inflammatory factors play a role.
You may even find your posture has changed. Continue to use your belt, but also consider using other supports.
Many new moms find they benefit from better support pillows and ergonomic chairs. You need to let your body recover so you can look after the baby.
In Conclusion
Pregnancy support belts are there to provide relief and support.
When you are pregnant, you need to find out the underlying cause of your pain. Once diagnosed, find the right solution for you. Regular exercise and good posture are essential parts of any healthy pregnancy. But, sometimes you need a bit of extra help.
A maternity belt helps you to stay active and provides relief which promotes better health for you and your baby.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief