Back Pain and Bone Health - 10 Things You Need To Know
Bone health problems and back pain can occur together. This happens for a variety of reasons.
If you experience back pain which you may think comes from your bones, it is best to contact a medical professional. Once diagnosed, a range of conventional treatments or natural remedies can help manage the condition.
On this page, we are taking a look at what you need to know about bone health and back pain.
Back Pain and Bone Health
1. Bones Are Living Tissue
Just like your skin, the bones in your body are living tissue. They are constantly shedding cells and growing new ones. Cartilage tissue also affects your bone health.
When you experience inflammation in joint cartilage, you can experience bone pain. This is one it is important to get your condition diagnosed as soon as possible.
To have healthy bones, we need to make sure we have adequate amounts of vitamin D, calcium and other microminerals in our diet to stay healthy.
But that is not all. Exercise and sunshine also contribute to better bone health. As little as 20 minutes of daylight per day improves your bone health.
Habitants of northern countries close to the Arctic Circle know only too well that not enough daylight can have a harmful effect on bone tissue. Limited daylight hours during winter or no daylight at all increases your chances of developing osteoporosis.
One of the most common symptoms of osteoporosis is back pain.
2. Back Pain Is Common
Back pain is common. That does not mean it is dangerous.
Back pain is not only a symptom of poor bone health. It can also be a sign of problems with muscles and tendons. Both can become misaligned, inflamed or torn. When this happens the result is pain.
Common factors causing back pain are disc problems, nerve irritation and muscle strain. Other reasons include arthritis and physical injuries.
3. Treating Back Pain
Fortunately, most cases of poor bone health and back pain improve without invasive surgical procedures.
The best treatments you can safely try yourself are physical activity and using hot and cold therapies.
Non-prescription painkillers and anti-inflammatories also have a role to play.
4. Back Supports
When you suspect your back pain is caused by poor posture or handling techniques, you should try using a back support.
Take a look at your posture. Your back pain problem can relate to the way you sit or sleep position.
5. Lifting and Bending
Is lifting and bending bad for my body? No, bending and lifting is not bad for us, but here comes the but.
If we bend and lift frequently, we need to ensure we do both in the right way. This goes back to posture. Your physical alignment is more important than you think.
Twisting and jerking movements can affect your muscle-skeletal structure negatively. Also, when you lift, make sure you don’t lift objects which are too heavy for you.
6. Lifestyle Factors
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are known to cause back and bone pain.
When you smoke and drink too much, the body struggles to absorb nutrients in your diet. This can eventually lead to a variety of health problems.
Excess weight is also strongly associated with back pain. If you think your weight is the root of your problem, do your best to shed a few pounds. You will soon notice the difference.
7. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone health. It is often called Brittle Bone disease. That is a very good description.
Osteoporosis causes the bones to become weak and eventually brittle. Undiagnosed, it leads to fractures mainly in the spinal region, hips and wrists.
We are better at diagnosing osteoporosis than we used to be. Still, it affects many women after menopause.
Can osteoporosis affect men? Yes, it can. If you have a poor diet lacking vitamin D and calcium, it can affect you as a man. Certain medical treatments are also linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis.
If you are a woman who has gone through menopause and suddenly experiences bone pain, you should seek a medical opinion. There are many treatments which can help including Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Muscle strengthening and weight lifting are two forms of exercise which reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
8. Your Mood and Back Pain
Depression and anxiety go hand in hand with back pain.
We know stress affects our well-being negatively. It can even lead to unexplained physical pain which can manifest itself in back pain.
If you are feeling depressed or have been diagnosed with depression, tell your doctor you should experience back pain.
9. Physiotherapy
Occupational and physiotherapy are two of the best ways to manage and control back pain.
Most physiotherapists encounter patients with back pain daily. A qualified physiotherapist can advise you on the best exercises and easy lifestyle changes.
10. Complementary Therapies
Massaging your knots out, yoga and acupuncture are well-known for their positive effects on back and bone pain.
If you are living with daily pain, considering adding complementary therapies and remedies to your lifestyle is worth doing.
Not only can complementary therapies help to manage pain. They also have a positive impact on your mental well-being. Incorporating natural therapies into your daily life can lead to positive changes that remain in place without prescription medication.
Final Thoughts
There is no need to live with back pain and bone health concerns.
The first step is to find out what is behind your health problem. Once you have done that, you can start to tackle it using therapies or conventional treatments that work for you.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief