When to Consider Wearing a Back Support
Back supports are useful in everyday situations when you experience back pain.
Not everyone who wears a back support is experiencing back pain. They may have experienced back problems in the past and discovered wearing a support prevents the problem from returning.
What Are The Benefits of Wearing Back Support?
Back supports help to support your back whether you are working, resting or exercising or if you have back pain when bending over.
Pain is not a necessary criteria for wearing a back support. Individuals who experience posture problems often wear back support as a preventative measure.
If you are experiencing back pain the appropriate support or chiropractic massage can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Back supports can help you to stay more active which is crucial when it comes to managing back pain.
Heavy Lifting And Back Pain
Manual workers such as warehouse workers are recommended to wear back support in order to prevent back strain and injuries. Wearing a back support is also associated with a lower risk of developing hernias and more serious back problems including compressed disks.
It is not only individuals who work in warehouses who are at risk from back injuries. Anyone who does medium to heavy lifting regularly should consider putting on a support.
Workers in the removal industry or general transport workers are also at risk from back problems and injuries, and the correct shoes can also help ease back pain.
Exercising With Back Support
We may not think that wearing a support when we exercise is necessary. However, as we all know, runners, joggers and cyclists often wear support to help them both manage and prevent injuries.
Even if you are not a fitness fanatic, it is a good idea to look after yourself when you exercise. In particular, this is important when you do exercises that may involve challenging your posture such as yoga and pilates.
If you have previously experienced an exercise induced back injury, it is important you add the right kind of support to your workout routine.
Thankfully, thanks to new materials, many supports are lightweight and don’t interfere with exercise. Finding the right support for your exercise is easier than ever before.
Should I Wear a Back Support At My Desk?
The trend of working from home is the new normal for many people. If you find yourself working from home, it is likely that you require some sort of back support.
Individuals working from home often forget about their back and spinal health. When you work from home, having an ergonomic chair and desk is just as important as when working in an office.
If you are employed by a company and your employer does not supply you with a suitable desk and chair, it is worth considering investing in home office furniture.
Having back support for your lower back is very important when you sit down for longer than average. The alternative to sitting down is using a stand-up desk or wearing a back support.
Since working from home first became popular, doctors claim they have seen an explosion in patients with back problems. Many of these back problems are easy to manage with the right kind of orthopedic support and seating arrangements.
Wearing A Support When Driving
Long-distance drivers including truckers or coach drivers often neglect their back health.
Sitting in the same position for extended periods of time affects long-distance drivers in mainly two ways.
First, sitting for a long time in a car seat or truck seat places strain on your lower back. As you are constantly having to hold your neck straight, you may also notice pain in your neck and support part of the back. It is well-recognised that driving for long periods can result in migraines and headaches.
Another common health condition which is frequently encountered in this industry is poor circulation.
Poor circulation increases the risk of not only cardiovascular disease, but also of posture problems. When freshly oxygenated blood does not reach the muscles, inflammation can take hold.
Specialist back supports and seating cushions are great for preventing back problems. They also help to improve circulation by making sure you sit in the optimum position to boost better blood flow.
Pregnancy and Back Support
Most pregnant women experience the last few months of pregnancy as uncomfortable.
Aching legs and back pain are common health issues during the last months of pregnancy.
It is recommended that all expectant moms stay as active as possible. This is often challenging when you are not very comfortable.
Wearing a pregnancy support belt during the day can certainly help. At night, it is worth considering using a support pillow. A good night’s sleep helps most mothers-to-be feel much better in the morning.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Back Support
If this is your first time buying a back support, there are a few factors you should consider.
Purpose Of Your Support
When you buy a back support, it is important to understand the reason why you are doing so.
Are you buying a support to wear when exercising or when not moving? There is a distinct difference between these two types of support.
When you need support when sitting down, you need to make sure that you buy a support which will hold you in a particular position. The support should be less flexible and perhaps even slightly rigid.
If you are planning on wearing your support when exercising or moving about, you need one which is slightly more flexible. After all, you want to feel comfortable moving and have a certain freedom of movement.
Supports for using when sitting and lying down are not often dual purpose. This means they are not meant for wearing when exercising or moving around. It is important to bear this in mind.
Final Thoughts
Never underestimate the importance of wearing a back support. Thanks to new materials, you can buy back supports that are comfortable to wear for almost any occasion.
If you are experiencing back pain, a range of supports can help. You may want to have one for when exercising and use another type of support when resting.