How Flexibility Training Reduces The Risk of Back Pain? - Your Back Pain Relief

How Flexibility Training Reduces The Risk of Back Pain?

Improved flexibility is a key factor when it comes to reducing back pain. However, stretching and strengthening exercises are not always easy to fit in when you have a busy lifestyle.

But, according to Harvard Medical School, they are both essential components when it comes to preventing and healing back pain.

Range Of Back Pain Treatment Options

When you do suffer back pain, the range of treatment options and preventative measures are endless. Should you contact an osteopath? Going for regular chiropractor and osteopath appointments often land you with a hefty bill.

An alternative is finding out how you can help yourself when it comes to reducing the risk of back pain in the first place.

Wear a Back Support

Wear a Back Support - Your Back Pain Relief

Wearing a back support can help. Many presume wearing a back support makes their back “weak.”

Modern lumbar and back supports are much more flexible. Wearing one on a regular basis does not mean you can't exercise. There is specialist back supports you can wear while exercising.

A back support helps when it comes to keeping your spine correctly aligned. In the long run, you will get more out of your exercise routine when you wear a back support. You can carry on working out for longer and work out more often than without one. A back support is only there to protect your back.

How Does Flexibility Help?

Flexibility helps in many different ways. Before you get started with your flexibility exercises, it is important to build up strength.

Don't worry, you don't have to spend hours in the gym lifting weights. A couple of simple handheld weights can help you to improve your back strength.

Resistance bands are an alternative to handheld weights. One of the best things about resistance bands is that they “force” you to control your posture. It is next to impossible to use resistance bands incorrectly.

Once you feel stronger, you can move on to flexibility training. If you want to avoid back pain, increasing your flexibility is crucial. Not only does it lead to better blood circulation, but it also stretches your muscles. Longer muscle fibres improve your posture which leads to a lower risk of back pain.

Do I Need to Visit a Physiotherapist?

If you have been unfortunate enough to experience back pain on numerous occasions, it is a good idea to visit a physio.

A physio can recommend the best exercises you can do to increase your flexibility.

By now, you are probably asking yourself if you have to get down onto the floor to exercise? The answer to that question is no.

Many who suffer from back pain worry about getting down on the floor. Although there are floor based flexibility exercises that benefit back pain sufferers, you can just as easily exercise for better flexibility standing up.

When you have a particular concern, ask your physio to suggest flexibility exercises you can easily do at home.

Does Yoga Help?

Does Yoga Help? - Your Back Pain Relief

You have probably heard that yoga can help. Practising standing yoga poses strengthens your muscles and increases your flexibility at the same time.

If you like you can add a band as a way of focusing and holding the posture for longer. When you have never done yoga before, concentrating on the yoga pose (asana) itself is the best way of getting started.

Take your time and work through the poses slowly. One of the best yoga sequences for back pain and flexibility is the Warrior sequence. There are numerous YouTube videos.

What About Tai-Chi?

Tai-chi is not only an energy healing system, it is also a great way of increasing your flexibility in a more gentle way.

From an outlooker point of view, Tai-chi may not look like flexibility training. However, it has many benefits when it comes to improving your flexibility and posture.

Next time you see a Tai-chi class, observe more closely and you will see that to do many of the movements, you have to be flexible.

One thing is for sure, you seldom hear a follower of Tai-Chi complain about back pain. Attend a class or check out public available videos.

Can Walking Help?

Walking helps to improve flexibility when you walk in the right way.

The main reason why walking is so good for you is that helps to boost blood circulation. Increased blood flow carries away any inflammation that exist in the tissue surrounding the spinal area. That significantly helps to increase flexibility as you will feel less stiff

Buy a pair of Scandinavian walking poles and you will further improve your posture. Walking is also the best weight loss training exercise when you are concerned about the risk of back pain.

What About Aerobic Exercises?

What About Aerobic Exercises? - Your Back Pain Relief

Many aerobic exercises involve bouncing. The last thing you need when you are at risk of back pain is bouncing exercises. Step aerobics is a good example of a bouncing exercise that can do you more harm than good.

Bouncing exercises such as jogging or step aerobics only increase the risk of back pain. They place unwanted strain on muscles and connective tissue. Instead, concentrate on stretching exercises that involve you keeping both feet firmly on the floor.

Keeping a back support in place when doing bouncing exercises is very difficult. When you do feel you want to do a kind of aerobic activity, walking or swimming are the two best exercises to choose.

In Conclusion

Flexibility training does reduce the risk of back pain. You should not rush yourself into any new exercises. Instead, take it slow and gradually start to challenge yourself.

If standing up when exercising is too much for you, start off by sitting on a chair. There are plenty of chair-based exercises you can do to improve your flexibility.

Once you have improved your flexibility, you can add standing exercises to your daily routine.

Don't forget that wearing a back support and using an exercise band help to increase flexibility faster.

Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief

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