Does Diet Affect Your Back Pain?
Does what you eat affect your back pain relief? Back pain is associated with a range of other health conditions. We know that excess weight impacts our backs and other parts of our bodies.
But what if we experience back pain that isn’t contributable to weight and height? Does that mean our diet is causing our back pain?
On this page, we investigate other reasons behind back pain. That includes diet.
How Diet Affects Back Pain
Yes, some foods can increase your chances of developing back pain. Surprisingly, many of the foods are healthy foods.
Another important dietary link to back pain and poor posture is the food we don’t eat. What foods should we eat to reduce our risk of back pain?
So, what is going on here? Well, certain foods can increase the risk of inflammation. In the long run, inflammation of tissues such as muscles, tendons, and joint fluid can lead to back pain for some of us.
Citrus Fruits And Back Pain
Until recently, we were encouraged to eat citrus fruits when we experienced back pain or other forms of pain. Arthritis is a good example.
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C - an essential antioxidant. We know antioxidants play a vital role when it comes to reducing inflammation.
However, we need to watch where we get our vitamin C from. Citrus fruit and back pain are not a match made in heaven.
Why are citrus fruits a poor choice when we experience back pain? All citrus fruits are rich in citric acid. The problem with citric acid is that it increases our inflammatory response. Simply put, it is too acidic.
For reasons not yet understood, not everyone with an inflammatory disease reacts negatively to citrus fruit. But the truth is that many do.
If you are experiencing unexplained back pain and eat a diet high in citrus, you should consider swapping them out for another fruit. Don’t worry, there is no need to eat so-called super foods or exotic fruits. Bananas and apples are great for back pain. So are pineapples, but you need to eat the core and the rest of the fruit.
Citrus fruits include oranges, mandarines, clementines, and grapefruit. If you drink orange juice for breakfast and experience back pain, it is time to switch to another juice.
What About Dairy Products?
We are quick to make an enemy out of dairy products. But, many dairy products are beneficial for us.
Most dairy products contain probiotics. These gut-friendly bacteria help to improve our immune system and reduce inflammation.
Also, dairy products are an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. Both help us to maintain and build a healthy skeletal system. If we don’t get enough of them, we may start suffering from back pain!
Osteoporosis is only one of the conditions which can affect our backs. Our muscles and tendons also need many of the nutrients found in dairy.
Good dairy products include whole milk, yogurt, and kefir. There is only increasing evidence that butter is better for us than margarine.
Should I Stop Eating Bread?
Including bread in your diet does not have a link to back pain. Okay, you may experience joint pain if you are sensitive to gluten. If you are allergic to gluten, you should avoid bread containing gluten.
If you are not allergic to gluten, there is no reason you should avoid bread. Bread made from whole grains is good for us and helps to reduce inflammation.
White bread high in sugar increases the risk of experiencing pain. It is best to avoid sugar if you are experiencing pain. That brings us to sugar.
Sugar and Back Pain
Although sugar tastes nice, it increases inflammation. The problem is that many of our daily staples contain added sugar. Good examples are ready-made meals, pasta, and pizza.
Sugar takes a lot of processing in the body. Unless we burn the sugar off, it gets stored as fat or excess glucose. Both cause inflammation leading to an increased pain response.
If you have back pain, check your sugar consumption. Remember that sugar is in many of our most popular foods.
The Body Loves Omega 3
Omega 3 is also called essential fatty acids. Just because it contains the word fatty, omega 3 can be bad for us.
We need Omega 3 to stay healthy. Almost every organ and function in the body need essential fatty acids to function.
The problem is that we can’t manufacture it - we need to get it from an outside source. The best sources of Omega 3 are coldwater fish, seafood, and sea vegetables like algae.
We are learning more about Omega 3 every day. It can help to remedy anything from asthma to joint pain. When you live with back pain taking a daily supplement is a good idea.
You should also eat coldwater fish at least twice a week. Not including essential fatty acids in your diet is like driving a car without oil. It is the one supplement we know has a positive effect on our health.
Eating Colours for Back Pain
When you look at your plate of food, you should see different colours. Most of these colours should come from vegetables and fruits.
Do you know what these colours represent? They represent antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Many of us don’t realize that antioxidants come in different colors.
As mentioned previously, it is antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation. When they go about their business, they also help to combat pain.
Inflammation and pain go hand in hand. When we reduce inflammation, we also reduce the chances of us experiencing pain.
Final Thoughts
Eating a balanced diet is vital. If you tend to overeat and are experiencing back pain, reduce your intake of foods that risk making the pain worse.
Taking an Omega 3 supplement is a great idea. As always, if you are taking prescription medication, you should check with your health practitioner before taking any supplements.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief