8 Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief
Yoga for back pain has for a long time been one of the top go-to exercise forms for back pain. Yoga for back pain relief is often very effective, but it is best to stick to safe back pain exercises at home.
About Yoga For Back Pain
You should not rush into any yoga programme. It is better to build up your yoga routine slowly. Don’t be tempted to tackle exercise if your body tells you it is not up to them. For instance, floor work is often challenging when you suffer from back pain.
Yoga asanas for back pain relief do not have to include floor work, there are plenty of other yoga exercises you can do at home to manage back pain.
After you have practiced yoga for a few weeks, you will realise you are feeling better. That is the right time to add more back pain exercises which will gently challenge you.
Start With These Simple Back Pain Exercises At Home
Instead of taking on a challenging yoga program right away, try some of the following exercises to loosen up tight muscles, sore tendons and aching joints.
A Yoga Stretcher That Will Help To Get You Moving
This is an easy exercise you can do to warm up. As a matter of fact, it is a good idea to do it several times during the day as it helps to manage back pain better.
Stand with your hands at your sides, palms open, feet together so you are well “balanced”. As you inhale slowly, raise your arms above your head until the palms come together.
Exhale, keeping the arm position and rise up on your toes. Inhale again and be aware of the stretch in your spine.
Once again exhale bringing your arms down to the starting position and come down from your toes. Repeat at least three times.
1. The Windmill Pose
Stand with your feet about three feet apart, arms hanging loosely by your side. Inhale, raise your arms to clasp your hands above your head.
On an exhale, bring your arms down with your hands clasped, in a circle to one, and then right down to the floor. Go around three times in each direction.
2.Head Rolls
This movement gently stretches the neck, toning the muscles and relaxing you at the same time.
Stand with your arms hanging loosely by your sides making sure your spine is straight and shoulders forward. Let your head relax forward. Turn it to the right and let the weight of your head carry it round to its natural limit.
Roll your head to the back, letting it relax there for a few seconds.
Continue rolling your head to the left, letting the neck bend as far as it can.
Let your head fall down as it comes around so that your chin ends pointing in towards your chest.
3.Shoulder Lifts
When you suffer back pain, releasing tension in the upper back is imperative. This is a yoga exercise that helps you easily release discomfort in the upper back.
Facing forward with your neck straight, raise your right shoulder as high as it will go, then let it drop. Repeat with the left shoulder. Repeat the same routine five times.
Raise both shoulders together. Let them drop into a relaxed position. Repeat five times.
4.Hands To Feet Pose
This pose stretches the spine and leg muscles. It is a great yoga exercise for when you suffer from both sciatica and back pain.
Stand straight, feet together. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in, lifting your arms above your head. Stretch them as far above as you can, feeling the spine grow longer.
Breathe out and fold your body forward, keeping your back straight and your arms held out straight in front of you.
Bring your chest down as far down to your thighs as you can, keeping your legs straight. Clasp your toes with your fingers or walk your hands back behind your feet and put the palms down on the floor.
If you find this exercise difficult, end the exercise when you fold your back half down and place your hands against a wall. You will feel a stretch in the back of your legs.
5.The Triangle
Stand with your feet apart. Turn your left foot outwards and your foot right slightly inwards. Stretch your left arm straight and your right arm straight up against the side of your head. Breathe in.
Breathe out, bending over to the left. Let your left hand travel down your left leg. Hold on to your leg as low as you can without feeling any pain or discomfort.
Keep your arm against the side of your head and look out and up at your right hand. Hold the pose for 20 - 30 seconds.
Repeat in the opposite direction.
6.Warrior Pose II
Remain standing with your feet apart and keep your feet in the same position. With an inhalation, bend the right leg to a right angle.
Extend your trunk and back vertically up and stretch the arms horizontally to the sides, palms facing down.
Pull the left arm slightly to the left so that the upper body does not lean to the right. Lift the chest. Relax the face and breathe normally.
Stay for 20 - 30 seconds. Inhale and come up. Turn the feet to the centre and line them up. Rest the arms if necessary.
Repeat on the other side.
7.Tree Pose
Stand with your feet together.
Without disturbing the left leg, bend the right leg to the side. Catch the ankle and place the foot somewhere in the left leg where it feels comfortable.
Ideally against the inner thigh, but this may not be possible at first. Press the right knee back in line with the right hip.
Inhale and take the arms over the head with both palms facing each other. Straighten the elbows and stretch the arms and entire upper body up. Stand firmly on the left foot so that you don’t overbalance.
If you feel unbalanced, you can start by doing the exercise without the arms, and work up to using your arms.
Join the palms without bending the elbows. Stay for 20 - 30 seconds. Exhale, then bring the arms and the leg down. Repeat on the other side.
8. Standing Head of Cow Pose
Stand with your legs slightly apart.
Bend the right arm behind the back, and stretch the hand and forearm along the spine, with the palms facing out. Bring the elbow in with the other hand.
Stretch the left arm up, turn it so that the palm faces back, then bend the elbow and catch the right hand. Clasp the hands as far as possible.
Take the right shoulder back and point the left elbow toward the ceiling. Keep the chest level and breathe slowly.
Stay in the position for 30 - 60 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
Here is a top tip for you if you are new to yoga. Never hold a position if you feel real strain, but do expect some discomfort as your body stretches and loosens. Any discomfort should soon pass.
There are also some natural supplements and supports that are excellent when it comes to coping with back pain and may help you to get more from yoga workout.
These 8 yoga poses for back pain are the safest back exercises to try in your home when you first start out. Once you feel better, you can move on to other yoga for back pain exercises such as floor core work.
Yoga for back pain relief is an excellent way to combat a back injury or inflammatory condition which may be affecting you. Just remember to listen to your body and don't push it where it doesn't want to go.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief

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