How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Muscular?
Back pain is one of the most common ailments impacting our well-being. Although the cause of back pain varies greatly, the most common reason is muscular.
Muscular back pain often arises when muscles are injured or strained. In this guide, we investigate the characteristics of muscular back pain and easy remedies.
What Is Muscular Back Pain?
Pain in the muscles of the back most commonly occurs when we injure or damage a muscle.
Not only can activity cause pain. Other factors such as sudden prolonged sitting and poor posture increase the chances of someone developing pain in the lower, upper and middle back.
Common Key Characteristics of Back Pain
Back pain related to the muscles can occur suddenly and is often localised to the lower, upper and mid-back. It may be isolated to the left or right side of the back.
Twisting, lifting and many other movements can cause back pain. Another culprit is sitting in the wrong position repeatedly. All of a sudden, you experience pain without having moved. This is a clear indication your back pain is related to poor posture.
Back pain caused by muscle issues is often experienced in one particular area of the back. It can radiate to hips and buttocks but is seldom experienced in the legs.
Certain movements increase the intensity of the pain. Bending, twisting and lifting incorrectly can cause back pain. Sitting in a poor position or without lumbar support eventually leads to back pain.
If you gently press the area where you are experiencing the pain, this often means the pain comes from the muscles.
Touch the area gently and see if you experience pain directly underneath the area touched.
None Related Symptoms
Pain from other back conditions such as sciatica often radiates into the legs. When the pain is just muscular, you are unlikely to experience tingling, weakness and numbness. All three are red flags indicating the pain is related to nerve damage and spinal issues.
What Are The Most Common Causes of Muscular Back Pain?
Poor Posture
Most common causes of localised pain in the back are bad posture or slouching when sitting or standing. When you don’t check your posture for an extended period, you are more likely to experience muscle in any part of the body including the back.
Heavy Lifting
You don’t have to continuously lift heavy objects to risk experiencing back pain. Just one heavy lift can damage both muscles and tendons. Excessive strain is one of the most common reasons.
Repetitive Strain
Jobs can involve repetitive movements.
Repetitive moments are not always related to lifting heavy objects. It can involve something so simple as reaching for an object in the same way every day.
Does it have to be job-related? You are just as likely to damage muscles taking part in leisure activities as you are during your working day.
Sudden or Unusual Movements
A new, unusual and sudden movement can cause pain. It could be washing your car or cleaning your home with a new cleaning tool. Any movement we are not used to can cause a sudden injury.
Tension and Stress
Stress and tension can significantly contribute to muscle pain. Relaxing during stressful periods in your life is important.
Seeking Medical Attention
Most cases of muscle pain go away within a matter of weeks. If you notice the pain gets better when you move or change position, it is probably caused by an issue affecting the muscles.
Severe pain is always a cause for concern. When you experience a high level of pain, it must be investigated quickly. You could have torn a muscle or damaged a tendon. In order not to make the condition worse, see a health professional as soon as possible.
There are many reasons behind long-term pain. It is better to deal with them to avoid further issues. Most long-term muscle pain in the back is related to poor posture.
When you experience other symptoms apart from such as chills or an elevated body temperature, it is time to seek a professional opinion.
Major red flag symptoms include numbness, tingling or weakness in the lower back or legs. Any changes in bladder and bowel function should also be reported to a health professional.
How Do You Treat Muscle Pain?
Home remedies are often effective. Although severe conditions may require prescription medication, milder conditions respond well to alternative therapies.
Hot and cold therapy is one way to deal with pain. Rest in the case of sports injuries often works well. Avoid the activities you associate with the pain.
Massage therapy does not strengthen your back but can help to re-align muscles and reduce discomfort. Often several massage sessions are required.
What about physiotherapy? It can help. Avoid coming up with your own ideas for physiotherapy. Instead, visit a health professional and ask for advice.
A visitor to a chiropractor is another option to take under consideration.
Preventing Muscular Back Pain
Wearing a back support can help to lower the risk of muscle pain. In particular, this is useful when doing an activity which involves your back.
What about posture support? Your back is meant to be straight. All too often, we neglect to check our posture. If your sofa or chair does not support good spinal alignment, consider buying a new sofa or chair. Do your best to maintain good posture.
Exercise and exercise again. Our muscles are meant to move. In other words, use them or lose them. Don’t only focus on one kind of exercise. Cross-training is one of the best ways to ensure our muscles stay strong.
Stress affects pain levels in our body - not only in the back and neck. Do your best to manage stress levels in your life. Avoiding stress is next to impossible but you can help reduce influencing factors.
Excess weight puts extra strain on your back. Make sure you maintain a healthy weight by eating right and exercising with caution.
Are you lifting correctly? Even picking up a shopping bag can cause back strain.
By understanding the risk factors involved you can reduce and take preventative measures.
Muscle pain in the back is one of the most common ailments. Knowing how to prevent and remedy the problem should happen is super important.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief