Easy To Follow Home Back Massage Tips
Going for a back massage is not always an option especially during the current coronavirus crisis. That does not stop most of us feeling like we need a back massage.
Regular back massages have many health benefits. A back massager can help you to deal with stress, boost your immune response and easy the pain of knotted muscles. But, should we be trying home massages?
There is no reason why you should not do a back massage at home. That being said, it is good to have a few handy tips to make sure you are not causing any injuries.
How To Give A Back Massage Safely At Home
If you have not given a back massage at home before, there are a couple of things you MUST know.
• Don't touch the spine. The spine is very delicate and should not be touched at all during a massage. A professional masseuse will never do so. Stay at least 2 inches away from either side of the spinal column.
• Use aromatherapy oils and other oils which are safe to use. It is tempting to experiment, but some oils can cause health problems.
• It best to avoid giving a back massage to a pregnant woman unless you are a professional masseuse.
To the most out of a back massage, you should invest in some back massage aids that will help. It is not easy for a novice to apply the right kind of pressure on soft tissues to make a difference. A masseuse will use special techniques to make sure she reaches knotted and painful muscles.
Another top tip would be to buy a few massage aids to help you.
Best massagers to buy include:
• Back massagers
• S-shaped back massager
• Handheld massage
What Back Massage Techniques Should You Try?
A choice of easy to use strokes are best for a home massage session. Most of them come from the technique known as a Swedish massage. There are other massage techniques, but they are more advanced and best left to the professionals.
Back massagers are great when it comes to attempting strokes such as kneading. Always start with long strokes using only your hands at the start of the massage. It will help the person to relax and get ready to receive the massage.
Kneading is a special technique used in massage. A masseuse would knead soft tissue rather firmly in her hands. Unless you have previous experience, this is not easy to do. A handheld massage aid will help you to ease out knots out of sore muscles and improve circulation.
S-shaped back massagers are also great to when it comes to stimulating blood flow and increasing oxygenation of muscle tissue. They are rather forceful so make sure you don't press down too hard.
Not all massage techniques are easy to replicate with massage aids. However, sliding a back massager up and down the back is a very relaxing experience.
What Aromatherapy Oils Are Safe To Use?
Some aromatherapy oils, or essentials oils, have more health benefits than others. Remember that some may discolour massagers. Make sure you clean and wash your massagers thoroughly after use.
For the novice home masseuse, there are a few essentials oils you should consider buying. Specialist companies often sell kits for home use. A kit often included a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond.
Almond oil is a perfectly good oil to use. However, jojoba oil penetrates the skin better and is much better for aching muscles and tendons.
Best Essential Oils For Home Use
Take a look around the Internet, and you will find there is a huge range of oils on offer. Not all of them are safe.
This is a short list of essentials oils that are safe for home use:
• Lavender
• Geranium
• Lemon
• Jasmine
• Patchouli
• Sage
• Lotus
Rose is often recommended as a safe oil for home use. Although it has many health benefits, it can also disrupt the function of the endocrine system and cause hormonal imbalances in women. This is particularly important if you use hormonal contraception or take HRT.
Also, at no time you should you apply aromatherapy oils to the fur and skin of pets.
How To Use Essential Oils And What They Do
Essential oils should always be used sparingly and blended with a carrier oil. The right blend is about 1 drop to two tablespoons of carrier oil. You can apply the oil to your handheld massager or slowly add it to the skin.
Lavender is a great way to induce sleep. If the person you are giving a massage to feels tired but can't sleep, try using lavender. Blend together with your carrier oil and then add to your back massager. Move up and down the back using slow movements. This is a relaxing experience and lavender oil will help to induce sleep.
Geranium is an oil which has long been popular to use in when practising back massage. It is anti-inflammatory and goes to work quickly. At the same time, it is known to increase circulation and will ease the itchiness of dry skin. Try a different technique using sideways movements with your s-shaped back massager.
Lemon is a popular essential oil choice with athletes. It increases the flow of oxygen to the muscles. It also believed to have cleansing benefits. If you suffer from frequent bladder infections or cystitis, this is one of the best oils you can use.
A relaxing massage can help someone who suffer from a UTI or have problems emptying their bladder.
Jasmine is a great oil for reviving the nervous system. It will make you feel invigorated and boost your energy levels. Fantastic for upper back massages. Why not try making small circles with your handheld massager to reach all parts of the complexed nervous system in the upper back?
Patchouli has long been used as a way of reducing pain. It was so popular in ancient Egypt that doctors mentioned in their writings.
Sage is very much an underestimated oil. It is particularly useful when treating back pain of all kinds. Only use it when you plan a longer massage session. Sage takes its time to get into the bloodstream. The upside is the positive effects of sage oil are long lasting. This oil is also known as sage clary.
Lotus is a much sought after oil. This is one of the most expensive essentials you can buy. The effects and the versatile positive side effects of this oil are second to none. It helps to reduce migraines and headaches caused by back tension.
Lotus will also reduce itchiness of the skin and boost collagen production.
Along with essentials oils, the right back massager will boost the positive effects your massage and help to provide relief from stress and back pain.
Brought to you by Your Back Pain Relief